Bitstream(R) Font Bundles TrueType(TM) Fonts for Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) 3.1 README.TXT November 24, 1992 Please review this file before you install the TrueType fonts in your Bitstream Font Pack. *************************************************** Font Filenames/Selecting Fonts in Microsoft Windows *************************************************** The chart below shows the fonts that may be included in this pack, together with the font names and styles you need to select the fonts in most Windows applications. Typeface |Font menu name |Style | --------------------------------------------------------------------- American Text(TM) |AmericanText BT |Regular | Bitstream Charter(R) |Charter BT |Regular | Bitstream Charter Italic |Charter BT |Italic | Bitstream Charter Black |Charter BT |Bold | Bitstream Charter Black Italic |Charter BT |Bold Italic | Bitstream Cooper Black |Cooper Blk BT |Regular | Broadway(TM) |Broadway BT |Regular | Cloister Black(TM) |CloisterBlack BT |Regular | Dom(TM) Casual |DomCasual BT |Regular | Embassy |Embassy BT |Regular | Exotic 350 Demi-Bold |Exotc350 DmBd BT |Regular | Goudy Old Style(TM) |GoudyOlSt BT |Regular | Goudy Old Style Italic |GoudyOlSt BT |Italic | Goudy Old Style Bold |GoudyOlSt BT |Bold | Goudy Old Style Bold Italic |GoudyOlSt BT |Bold Italic | Handel Gothic(TM) |HandelGothic BT |Regular | Hobo(TM) |Hobo BT |Regular | Humanist 521 |Humanst521 BT |Regular | Humanist 521 Italic |Humanst521 BT |Italic | Humanist 521 Bold |Humanst521 BT |Bold | Humanist 521 Bold Italic |Humanst521 BT |Bold Italic | Humanist 521 Extra Bold |Humanst521 XBd BT |Regular | Incised 901 |Incised901 BT |Regular | Incised 901 Italic |Incised901 BT |Italic | Incised 901 Black |Incised901 BT |Bold | Incised 901 Compact |Incised901 Ct BT |Regular | Kaufmann(TM) |Kaufmann BT |Regular | P.T. Barnum(TM) |PTBarnum BT |Regular | Pica 10 Pitch |Pica10 BT |Regular | Raleigh(TM) Demi Bold |Raleigh DmBd BT |Regular | Raleigh Extra Bold |Raleigh XBd BT |Regular | Ribbon 131 Bold |Ribbon131 Bd BT |Regular | Schadow(TM) Black Condensed |Schadow BlkCn BT |Regular | Seagull(TM) Heavy |Seagull Hv BT |Regular | Square 721 Condensed |Square721 Cn BT |Regular | Swiss(TM) 721 Condensed |Swis721 Cn BT |Regular | Swiss 721 Condensed Italic |Swis721 Cn BT |Italic | Swiss 721 Bold Condensed |Swis721 Cn BT |Bold | Swiss 721 Bold Condensed Italic |Swis721 Cn BT |Bold Italic | University(R) Roman |UnivrstyRoman BT |Regular | Windsor(TM) |Windsor BT |Regular | Zapf Elliptical 711 |ZapfEllipt BT |Regular | Zapf Elliptical 711 Italic |ZapfEllipt BT |Italic | Zapf Elliptical 711 Bold |ZapfEllipt BT |Bold | Zapf Elliptical 711 Bold Italic |ZapfEllipt BT |Bold Italic | Zurich(TM) Bold Extra Condensed |Zurich BdXCn BT |Regular | For Windows Write, however, the font names are the same, but the style names are different. The chart below shows the correct Windows Write style names for the typefaces that may be included in this pack. The chart also shows the filenames for the fonts. Each installed TrueType font is composed of a TTF file and an FOT file. The Bitstream font pack disk(s) contain TTF files which you install in Windows. During installation, Windows creates corresponding FOT files. The chart lists the TTF files. FOT filenames are identical except they have an FOT extension. Typeface |Write style |Font Filename | --------------------------------------------------------------------- American Text |Regular |TT00211M_.TTF | Bitstream Charter |Roman |TT00648M_.TTF | Bitstream Charter Italic |Italic |TT00649M_.TTF | Bitstream Charter Black |Black |TT00709M_.TTF | Bitstream Charter Black Italic |Black Italic |TT00710M_.TTF | Bitstream Cooper Black |Black |TT00630M_.TTF | Broadway |Regular |TT00131M_.TTF | Cloister Black |Regular |TT00757M_.TTF | Dom Casual |Casual |TT00604M_.TTF | Embassy |Regular |TT00588M_.TTF | Exotic 350 Demi-Bold |Demi-Bold |TT00627M_.TTF | Goudy Old Style |Roman |TT00107M_.TTF | Goudy Old Style Italic |Italic |TT00108M_.TTF | Goudy Old Style Bold |Bold |TT00109M_.TTF | Goudy Old Style Bold Italic |Bold Italic |TT00110M_.TTF | Handel Gothic |Regular |TT00768M_.TTF | Hobo |Regular |TT00057M_.TTF | Humanist 521 |Roman |TT00290M_.TTF | Humanist 521 Italic |Italic |TT00291M_.TTF | Humanist 521 Bold |Bold |TT00292M_.TTF | Humanist 521 Bold Italic |Bold Italic |TT00293M_.TTF | Humanist 521 Extra Bold |Extra Bold |TT00294M_.TTF | Incised 901 |Roman |TT00388M_.TTF | Incised 901 Italic |Italic |TT00389M_.TTF | Incised 901 Black |Black |TT00391M_.TTF | Incised 901 Compact |Compact |TT00468M_.TTF | Kaufmann |Regular |TT00726M_.TTF | P.T. Barnum |Regular |TT00720M_.TTF | Pica 10 Pitch |Roman |TT00691M_.TTF | Raleigh Demi Bold |Demi Bold |TT01080M_.TTF | Raleigh Extra Bold |Extra Bold |TT01082M_.TTF | Ribbon 131 Bold |Bold |TT00208M_.TTF | Schadow Black Condensed |Black |TT01114M_.TTF | Seagull Heavy |Heavy |TT00820M_.TTF | Square 721 Condensed |Roman |TT00248M_.TTF | Swiss 721 Condensed |Roman |TT00009M_.TTF | Swiss 721 Condensed Italic |Italic |TT00171M_.TTF | Swiss 721 Bold Condensed |Bold |TT00010M_.TTF | Swiss 721 Bold Condensed Italic |Bold Italic |TT00172M_.TTF | University Roman |Regular |TT00316M_.TTF | Windsor |Roman |TT00122M_.TTF | Zapf Elliptical 711 |Roman |TT00051M_.TTF | Zapf Elliptical 711 Italic |Italic |TT00052M_.TTF | Zapf Elliptical 711 Bold |Bold |TT00053M_.TTF | Zapf Elliptical 711 Bold Italic |Bold Italic |TT00054M_.TTF | Zurich Bold Extra Condensed |Bold |TT00960M_.TTF | ****************************************** Bitstream MakeUp(TM) for Microsoft Windows ****************************************** Problem: Some Bitstream fonts do not appear when I type them on the screen in MakeUp. Sometimes two names for the same font appear in the MakeUp font menu. Solution: This happens if you have installed the same typeface twice: once as a TrueType font in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel, and again as a Speedo(TM) or PostScript(R) Type 1 font in Bitstream FaceLift(TM) 2.0 for Microsoft Windows. For example, Bitstream Cooper Black may be included in this font pack. It also comes with FaceLift 2.0. If you install Bitstream Cooper Black as described in the documentation, the problem described above occurs in Bitstream MakeUp. To solve this problem, remove the TrueType font from the Windows Control Panel and leave the other font installed in FaceLift. To do this, follow the steps for removing TrueType fonts in the Bitstream Font Pack installation instructions. If an error message appears when selecting the fonts to remove in the Windows Control Panel, you need to remove them manually. First, check the section above in this README.TXT file to find out the filenames for the problem typeface(s). Exit Windows. In DOS, change to the Windows System directory, and delete the TTF and FOT files for the typeface(s). (FOT filenames are identical to TTF filenames except they have an FOT extension.) Open Windows and repeat the steps for removing TrueType fonts as described in the installation instructions. ******************************* Harvard Graphics(R) for Windows ******************************* In some versions of Harvard Graphics for Windows, Bitstream's TrueType fonts may not appear in the font menu. If this problem occurs, contact Software Publishing Corporation (SPC) for an update. *************************** Microsoft Excel for Windows *************************** Microsoft Excel 4.0 lets you select bold, italic, or bold italic styles for each TrueType font in the font style menu, regardless of whether these styles are actually available. When you select a style that is not available, this message appears: "This font style is imitated for the display. The closest matching style will be used for printing." For example, Embassy has only one style: normal. However, Excel 4.0 lists bold, italic, and bold italic in the font style menu. If you select Embassy and then select Bold, the message mentioned above appears. To avoid fonts that do not display or print correctly, select only the font styles that are available for each font. When you pick the correct font style, a message tells you that the font is a TrueType font. Also check the chart above to find out the styles available for each font. ******************************* Printing to PostScript Printers ******************************* If you print to a PostScript printer, and your document contains a large number of TrueType fonts or font sizes, try printing one page at a time in order to speed printing time. ************** Font Embedding ************** Bitstream's TrueType fonts support the Windows 3.1 editable font embedding feature. This feature lets you take a document created with a set of fonts on one computer, and print it from another computer, without having to install the fonts on the other computer. At the time this file was written, most Windows applications had not yet implemented support for editable font embedding. Contact your application vendor for information on the application's support for this feature. ******* Kerning ******* Bitstream's TrueType fonts support kerning (the adjustment of space between pairs of characters). However, at the time this file was written, most Windows applications did not support kerning with TrueType fonts. Contact your application vendor for information on the application's support for kerning TrueType fonts. ************* Character Set ************* TrueType fonts use Windows ANSI Extended character set. The Windows Character Map accessory shows the characters in this character set and how to access them. Contact Microsoft for more information. ********************************* Screen Fonts at Small Point Sizes ********************************* Font sizes of 7 or 8 point and below appear as Windows resident fonts instead of the selected TrueType fonts on the screen. However, the fonts print correctly. ******************** EGA Display Monitors ******************** EGA monitors have fewer pixels than VGA monitors. This means that fonts do not appear as precise on EGA monitors as on VGA monitors. However, the fonts print correctly. ************** Industry Names ************** Some of the Bitstream typeface designs may look familiar, but the names may be unfamiliar. For licensing purposes, Bitstream has assigned alternative names to certain typeface designs. It is important to note that the use of an alternative name has no bearing on the quality or authenticity of the typeface design. Here is a list of the typefaces which may be included in this font pack and the corresponding industry names. Typeface Industry Name ------------------------------------------------------------- American Text | Original Name Bitstream Charter | Original Name Bitstream Cooper Black | Original Name Broadway | Original Name Cloister Black | Original Name Davida Bold | Original Name Dom Casual | Original Name Embassy | Original Name Exotic 350 Demi-Bold | Peignot(R) Goudy Old Style | Original Name Handel Gothic | Original Name Hobo | Original Name Humanist 521 | Gill Sans(R) Incised 901 | Antique Olive(TM) Kaufmann | Original Name Pica 10 Pitch | Original Name Raleigh | Original Name Schadow | Original Name Seagull | Original Name Square 721 | Eurostile(TM) Swiss 721 | Helvetica(R) University Roman | Original Name Davida Bold | Original Name Windsor | Original Name Zapf Elliptical | Melior(R) Zurich | Univers(R) ********************* Copyright Information ********************* Bitstream(R) Font Bundles TrueType(TM) Fonts for Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) 3.1 April 1992, June 1992, November 1992 Bitstream and Bitstream Charter are a registered trademarks and FaceLift, MakeUp, Speedo, Swiss, and Zurich are trademarks of Bitstream Inc. Microsoft is a registered trademark and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. TrueType is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Harvard Graphics is a registered trademark of Software Publishing Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. American Text, Broadway, Cloister Black, Dom, Goudy Old Style, Hobo, Kauffmann, and P.T. Barnum are trademarks of Kingsley-ATF Type Corporation. Handel Gothic is a trademark of FotoStar International. Raleigh and Seagull are trademarks of Ingrama S.A. University is a registered trademark of Esselte Pendaflex Corporation. Windsor is a trademark of Stephenson Blake & Company, Ltd. Eurostile is a trademark and Helvetica, Melior, Peignot, and Univers are registered trademarks of Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries. Gill Sans is a registered trademark of Monotype Corporation plc. Antique Olive is a trademark of Fonderie Olive.